Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Back to Tropical North Queensland

 Yay!! At last we are able to travel around Aus the way we used to, so we used up some travel credits that dated back to the start of COVID and headed for Cairns. Cairns is the largest city in tropical north Queensland, but is not all that big as cities go. You can see the main city and a few suburbs in the first image with the airport on the right hand edge. Our aircraft from Canberra and Brisbane were delayed by several hours, so instead of getting there mid-afternoon we actually arrived after sunset. There was a bit of a hassle finding the entrance to our resort - the Apple Map lady took us to a dark, locked area behind it. Anyhow, I can thoroughly recommend the Shangri-la, right next to the marina. It is showing its age a bit, but is being renovated. We had a freshly renovated room on the middle floor and I spent lots of time sitting on the balcony watching the marine traffic. Note that the Moon in image 3 in rising south of where the Sun is rising in image 4. That is not always the case, check the orbital data if you want to know how it works.


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