Saturday, July 09, 2022
Fishy Business 2
Here are a few more of the fish. The ugly one hiding in the third image is a Stone Fish. If you tread on one of these it is agonizing, so we wear beach boots when wading in tropical waters. In row 2 there is a puffer fish. Scare one of these and it blows up into something that looks like a spiky football.The spotty one in the second row is a Moray eel. The one in the bottom row is a small leopard shark, pretty and harmless. There are some big lobsters and really blue crayfish, also crabs but I don't like them. There is also a section with tropical reptiles. You may not like lizards but I do. The displays in the aquarium are great, but the behaviour of visiting schoolkids was not. Hordes of screaming and yelling munchkins made some of our visit a bit unpleasant. Still worth the visit though.