Friday, May 12, 2023


More Zoo

We go to the zoo often, now that we are all Members. I sometimes cheat and ride in the front of Mum's walker instead of walking. The only downside of that is that I am sometimes lower than the railings and glass. Last trip we had better luck seeing some of the animals. I hadn't seen a tree kangaroo before but this time one was cleaning itself in a clear patch where the Oldies could get photos. I think Rhinos are great; a combination of strength, ugliness and laziness. This one spent most of the time dozing.The tigers had just been fed their lunch and were exercising by walking around their enclosure. One was evidently feeling the heat and had a cool-off in the pool.  Penguins are always fun to watch. I love the way they all run down to the water, then dither around waiting for one to take the plunge then all dive in. Most people think that penguins only live in Antarctica but there are colonies of these Little Penguins in some places all along our southern and south-eastern coast. Dad has snorkeled with these little guys and they are much faster swimmers than he is. At the Penguin Parade on Phillip Island you can watch the penguins coming ashore for the night and heading back to their nest burrows. They waddle uphill much faster than Mum can walk, she was overtaken by streams of penguins. There is lots more zoo to explore, I love it.

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