Wednesday, March 19, 2014


More Moorea

Cruise ships can't get right into a dock on Moorea, so they anchor in one of the deep bays and use the ship's lifeboats to take passengers ashore. We anchored in Opunohu Bay and were ferried ashore to the town of Papeto'ai. You can see one of the lifeboats in the top photo. They are not very big, but can hold around 100 passengers. I hope that I never have to be crammed into one of these in rough seas after our ship sinks. Anyhow, Moorea is a beautiful island and I would like to see more of it. Some travel authors consider it to be the most beautiful in the world; I need to see more islands before I decide. It is surrounded by a fringing reef and wherever there is a lagoon between the reef and shore you will find boats anchored and usually a resort as well. I would love to spend some time in one of the over-water bungalows in the bottom picture. The towns are fairly small, as you can see in the background of the bottom photo (just click on the picture for a bigger one). Bart's tip for travellers: When a cruise ship brings passengers ashore here, there are hordes of local tour operators waiting and you can get some real bargains, much cheaper than the ship price for the identical tour.

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