Monday, November 30, 2015


The Grand Old Dish

The iconic radio telescope at Parkes is probably known to most people from its central role in the movie "The Dish". Well, the movie is almost accurate, just a few very small changes to history which those who were astronomers at the time can tell you about. Dad was a very junior astronomer then, but he gets a giggle or two watching the movie. Well, the telescope looks just like it does in the movie, apart from a new focus cabin (that's the white cube at the top of the three legs). Dad used the telescope for several research programs and has climbed all over, under and through the structure. Over the years the control desk was upgraded several times. The 1960's control set  was resurrected for the movie. It was the set that Dad learned to drive the telescope with and he was quite nostalgic seeing it on display in the visitors centre. Yes, has actually played cricket on the dish, like in the movie, but that was decades ago and it is not allowed now. And just in case you want to see the Town Hall shown in the movie, that is actually in Forbes, the next town south of Parkes.

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