Sunday, September 09, 2007
Last Minute Holiday Hassles

Disaster has struck! I can't go with the oldies on their big trip to the other side of the world! We did some checking and found that stuffed toys are high on the list of suspect ways to smuggle drugs into the European Union. There are horrific pictures on the web of bins full of ripped toys at Heathrow airport. After a long and emotional discussion with the oldies it has been decided that my young hide is too precious to be degutted just because the beans I am stuffed with might be something prohibited. So I have to stay behind! Now this might have been totally tragic if it wasn't for my uncles, Patrick and Grant. They have asked if I can stay with them during the time that my oldies are away. I like that idea, and we dropped me off there just a few hours ago. Unka Paddy had a whole lot of American animals there to welcome me, and I felt at home straight away. It will be fun teaching these guys to be Aussies. I think the chipmunk and squirrels will be handy partners-in-mischief. Particularly as Patrick and Grant are away for the weekend and we have the place to ourselves for the next day. I think it will be fun here until the oldies return. When they get back I will be a "Virtual Traveller" and tell you all about the places they have been. It is a bit sad that I won't be with them, but as my readers know I am all in favour of border security so am not too angry with the overseas customs and immigration people. Dad has promised to bring me back a camel.
Goodbye for now. I will be back online in early November with lots of pictures of the oldies in Singapore, Dubai, Britain, France and Egypt, and mischief and mayhem at Unka Paddy's place.
A Very Special Birthday Person

I just love birthdays, and the best birthdays are those of very special people. Last night we had a special dinner for my friend Enid. Enid is like the grandmother I never had, because all of my grandmothers died years before I arrived. I am not allowed to say how old she is, but I can tell you that she is older than Mum and even older that Dad, although you would never guess it. We took her out for dinner at the Lobby, which is the resserterrarauant that the pollies have lunch in. At night, when the pollies are not in town, it is a nice place for a special dinner. Of course birthdays have to have birthday presents and Mum found a very special one for Enid. Wombats are a special thing for Enid's family and when we were in Robe on our Great Ocean Road trip we saw this absolutely perfect little wombat sculpture in one of the shops. Mum always knows what is special for people, so she bought it. When we gave it to Enid I had to check out the present box, because you never know what else might be hiding in there. Although wombats are solitary animals, he might have had a cobber in there with him, but no such luck.
Labels: family, Great Ocean Road
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Slurp and Spit Boats

We went for a boat ride when we visited the Gold Coast. Mum was excited by all the mansions along the canals. Dad kept pointing out the way that they would slip into the water if their retaining walls gave way (Dad is like that). What I liked was all the different sorts of boats that we saw. There were loads of speedboats, fishing boats, ferries of all sizes, tugboats and some special workboats. In this picture there is a small white ferry and two red dredges. Dredges are boats that slurp up the mud and sand from the bottom of rivers and lakes and spit them out wherever you need it. Lots of the islands in the rivers behind the Gold Coast and the Broadwater have been made or built up with soil these dredges got from the bottom while they were digging the navigation channels deeper. I think it would be fun to drive a dredge. Just imagine the mess you could make.
Labels: boats, Gold Coast, Queensland
Facing My Fears
As you will know, if you read my earlier posts, I DO NOT LIKE CRABS. Nasty, horrible, scarey things that sneak up on small bears and nip them in tender places when their back is turned. The problem is that crabs live near beaches and I just love beaches. So far the oldies have always been close by to save me, but that might not always be the case so I have to learn to not be scared of the critters, then I can take the next step and clobber them. First step is to get close to some crustaceans. This big crayfish is in a tank at the Canberra aquarium. No chance of him getting out, so I got a good look at him. After all he is not exactly a crab, even though he is a relation. Trouble is that even though he has only small nippers my imagination sees them as huge, hidden choppers just waiting to pounce. I guess I have a long way to go before I can feel safe around crabs.
Labels: animals, Canberra, crabs